Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ferries and BBQs

The BBQ was Awesome. We had to take a bus to Circular Quay and then a ferry to the island his house was on. Gina, Dan, Emily, and I were running a bit late and we tried to catch a bus. As we were stuck in traffic on the bus, trying to head downtown, we realized that we'd probably miss the Ferry so Dan and I sprinted off the bus to try and catch it. We arrived at the Dock that we were told to be at and no one was there. It took us a few but we realized that we were told the wrong dock, meaning that we could have made it--but we didn't. So we took the next one! No worries, everyone was waiting for us when we arrived at our ferry stop. We trekked up (and then back down) the hill towards Brian Zulaikha's house.

Brian showed us around his house telling us about all of the details and design decisions. The first thing I noticed, after taking my shoes off, was that my feet were super warm on the heated concrete floor. Of course, on the day we are asked to take off our shoes, I chose to wear different color socks (lazy I know). That got a good laugh out of everyone (I'm always glad to entertain). He reused most of the structure and so the project is technically a renovation. He said a bit inspiration for him was the Japanese screen and most every exterior wall or window slid away to open up the house to the outdoors. With a great view of Darling Harbor, who wouldn't want to just be outside all day.

The food was the most incredible 'picnic' foods you couldn't imagine. No red meat; just fish, cheese, and bread. Everything was incredibly gourmet and delicious. We had a tour or two and simply hung out for a few hours in the afternoon.

This week is a little crazy since our studio finals are on Thursday, so I probably won't be doing too much posting, but I will try.... Back to work

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